Isola dei Fenici
Isola dei Fenici has always been specialized in tourist rentals and is a real estate agency based in Sant'Antioco. Over 300 properties selected to meet a wide range of needs: proximity to the sea, nature and relaxation in the most picturesque places on the island. To ensure that your holiday is as peaceful and rewarding as possible, we guarantee a precise reference point and constant assistance throughout the period of your stay, through our reception office in Street XXIV Maggio n° 16/18.
In the field of real estate brokerage, Isola dei Fenici operates with experience, professionalism and dynamism, providing: targeted services and personalized advice, detailed knowledge of the area and local market trends, assistance in all phases of the sale, free evaluation and promotion of the property and collaboration with other real estate agencies regularly registered in the role. This is all aimed at achieving the sale / purchase of the property in a short time.

Where we are
Office and tourist reception office:Street XXIV Maggio n° 16/18
09017 - Sant'Antioco (CI) - Sardegna - Italia
Tel.: 0781.83219
Skype : Isola dei Fenici - Case vacanza in Sardegna
Office hours
From Monday to FridayMorning : from h 09.30 to h 13:00
Afternoon : from h 15.30 to h 19.30
Saturday from h 09.30 to h 12.30